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Monday, 18 June 2012

Why I Choose Economics?

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters :)

Well, just to recall back my 14 weeks in economics class :)


FRANKLY speaking, I choose Economics, FIRST, because half of my classmates taking it. So, this is a big influence in my decision making. And perhaps with my friends together and also with the help of my beautiful sweettttt lecturer, insyaAllah, I'd like to score for this course. But the other part of me says, economic is an interesting subject as for we know, it is a global knowledge that each and everyone has to have some knowlegde about it. Even just a little. So to be futuristic, I agree to enroll Principles of Economics as elective subject this semester based on those :

Economics is about choices and impact of our choices on each other. It relates to every aspects of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms. The economic way of thinking can help us make better choices.

I like economics mainly for the real world applications, one benefit is being able to understand somewhat the things that are happening on the news. Likewise, it's nice being able to answer questions you hear getting asked all the time like "why is product X so expensive?" or being able to understand how the stock exchange and exchange rates work.

Because I learn a lot of skills and knowledge that I can apply to other jobs or to my personal life. As an engineering student, I have my own dream ; to have my own consultation firm which this course might somehow give me a lot of benefits and knowledge for bussiness settings.

Well, today is the day!!! Economics final exam! Gambatte!

InsyaAllah will do my best. Gud Luck ALL!



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